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Our Projects

Chill Commerce has years of experience in building air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems for domestic, industrial, commercial, specialty, resort, entertainment, and publicbuildings, restaurants, etc. 

"Guala Closures Bulgaria" AD - Kazanlak

Central heating and air-conditioning system office "Alta Oils "Kazanlak

House household system in Dolishte village

Office and show room TESTEL Varna

Hotel "Bilyana" Nessebar

Family residential building - Kosharitsa

Heating of sanitary water Hotel "Ivana Palace" - resort Sunny Beach

Workshop for stainless steel equipment "KRAB" - Varna

Industrial premises with administration plant "Danik" - Kazanlak

Workshop for precision metal processing "UMT" Ltd. - Buzovgrad

Process cooling line - Shumen

Apartment 250m2 - Kazanlak

Hotel complex "Kamenets - Nessebar" - Nessebar

"Rachev Hotel Residence" Arbanassi village

Our team of professionals is always ready to respond to your inquiries and troubleshoot any problems that arise.

"Guala Closures Bulgaria" AD - Kazanlak

Water-cooling and heating central air-conditioning with heat pump water-cooling units with total cooling power 2MW and heating power 1.5MW, indoor units - ceiling cllimatic chambers hidden and open installation, four-way cassettes, floor-wall installation. Ventilation installations with waste heat recovery. Cooling system "FREE COOLING". Heating of an office building by recycled energy from production processes. Equipment used : MAXA Air conditioning water cooling units, fan coil units. BINI spa и BPS clima.

Система за централно отопление и климатизация офис "Алта Ойлс” гр.Казанлък

Air-water heat pump unit for heating and cooling with fan coil units LG Therma V.

House household system in Dolishte village

Heat pump house system with 3 in 1 system. Heating, cooling and heating of 200l hot water with LG Therma V heat pump split unit. Underfloor and pound heating to bathrooms, heating to north of building and common areas, fan coil units to cool living room and bedrooms. 

A self-contained system without the need for wood splitting, pellet loading and ash cleaning as in conventional heating systems, and with the possibility of cooling with the highest degree of comfort. An intelligent system for modern users with high expectations.

Office and show room TESTEL Varna

Air conditioning system LG Multi V S. With a total cooling capacity of 33 kW and heating capacity of 36 kW. The indoor units for ceiling mounting type four-sided "cassette". Each indoor unit can be controlled independently with a dedicated individual thermostat controller in each room. The cassette type units have the possibility of individual flow adjustment of each lamella independently of each other, thus the flow from the air handling unit can be limited to a certain direction.

Хотел "Биляна “ гр.Несебър

Air conditioning system type VRF, manufacturer LG Multi V series 5. With a total cooling capacity of 678 kW and heating capacity of 761 kW. The indoor units for the hotel rooms are of the "One-way cassette" type. Each indoor unit can be controlled both independently with a dedicated individual thermocontroller in each room and with a central TOUCH SCREEN controller with WEB remote access installed in the "Reception" area. There are 245 separate indoor units distributed in several separate systems.

Еднофамилна жилищна сграда - с. Кошарица

Иновативна система за централна климатизация и отопление на директно изпарение LG MultiV серия III. Хидробокс за трансформация на енергията с температура до 50°C за подово отопление и хидробокс с висока температура до 80°C за подготовка на топла вода. Инсталирана охладителна мощност 57kW. 

Отопление на санитарна вода хотел „Ивана Палас” - к.к. Слънчев бряг

Solar installation for the preparation of 5000 m3 hot water.

Workshop for stainless steel equipment "KRAB" - Varna

Central geothermal air-conditioning of production workshop and administrative building. Construction of water cooling and heating installations with central heat pump water-cooling unit type water-water, ceiling air conditioning chambers flush mounting. Construction of an energy centre with 90kW power.

Industrial premises with administration plant "Danik" - Kazanlak

High-rise ventilation installation work. Инсталиран нагнетателен дебит на вентилаторите 44 000m3/h.

Workshop for precision metal processing "UMT" Ltd. - Buzovgrad

Precision air-conditioning of precision metalworking workshop, air-conditioning administrative building, warehouses, repair workshops, administrative parts.

General ventilation and central precision air conditioning. Construction of water cooling and heating installations with central heat pump water cooling unit, ceiling air conditioning chambers flush mounting. Construction of a 160kW energy centre. Combining alternative sources for utilization of waste heat from technological needs, use of groundwater sources for air conditioning and heating.

Process cooling line - Shumen

Precision cooling of process water for production. Energy center with 160kW power. 

Apartment 250m2 - Kazanlak

Luxury implementation of central air conditioning and heating of water-cooled type with air-cooled heat pump unit with power 55kW.

Хотелски комплекс „Каменец - Несебър” - гр. Несебър

Top-of-the-range LG MultiV Series IV direct evaporative central air conditioning (VRF) system. Total cooling capacity 274.4kW, total heating capacity 308.7kW indoor units type "High Wall" , "Duct" and "Cassette".

Етнографски комплекс „Рачев хотел Резиденс” – с. Арбанаси

Design and construction of water cooling and heating installations with heat pump water cooling unit and oil boiler with total cooling capacity 340kW and heating capacity 1000kW, indoor units - convectors for outdoor installation, ventilation and air conditioning through duct network and duct air conditioning chambers with a total flow rate of 100 000m3/h, waste heat recovery system.

Hotel part 7 wings - air conditioning and heating, restaurant hall and winery - ventilation and air conditioning, kitchen and service rooms - ventilation, common rooms - ventilation and air conditioning, fitness center, conference rooms, heated outdoor pool.

*The complex is distinguished by its exceptional architecture for Bulgaria, known to specialists as the "Arbanashka House" type, in the style of the many surrounding churches and monasteries built during the Tarnovo Kingdom. The project has been protected before the Ministry of Culture.